Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Getting ready for the first day of school!

As the first day of school is approaching fast, teachers are busy getting classrooms ready for a new group of students.  For me, this means starting from scratch.  While a bit daunting, the opportunity to create a classroom from a blank canvas is an exciting task.  I have taught middle school art for the past five years, so while I am not new to teaching art, I am new to teaching art to the younger crew.

My approach to my classroom design? I have taken my middle school art classroom management skills and have adapted and modified where necessary to create an art space that is functional, promotes a positive and creative learning environment and of course, is visually appealing!  It is an art room, after all. Working with an untraditional classroom footprint was a bit of a challenge, but I am happy with the way the room has come along.  Sure, I'll make changes as I go, but for now, I am ready to fill those colorful stools with students who are eager to create art!

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